Emergency Numbers:





Cryo Safety Videos

Training Material for Online Test

Use the following resources to study for the online test. There are 7 modules. General is mandatory, the rest optional. The most comprehensive study material is safety manual. We also have presentations for each module, some with voiceovers. Please go through these at your own pace. Once you feel confident attempt the Online Safety Test

  1. General Safety: This module is mandatory for all. This is the longest presentation. Expected length is 60-70 mins. Some of the details may seem irrelevant for your research. Unfortunately, we co-habit these hazards. It is important to know the basics so you can navigate safely. [PPTVIDEO PART 1VIDEO PART 2Another VIDEO
  2. Chemical Safety: Required for all those who plan to work with chemicals (NFPA rating > 1). This is a very common hazard on campus. If you are unsure, take the test. Expected length 60-70 mins. [PPTVideo
  3. Gas & Cryo Safety: Required for all those who plan to use Gas cylinders or cryogens in the lab. Expected length 20 mins for each presentation. [Gas safety PPT, Cryo safety PPT, Compressed PPT].
  4. Biological Safety: Required for all who plan to work in bio-labs. Expected length is 20 mins. [PPT
  5. Electrical Safety: Required for all who plan to use high voltage, or high electrical power in their labs. Expected length 40 mins. [PPT
  6. Laser Safety: Required if you plan to use lasers in your lab. Expected length 20 mins. [PPTGuidelines
  7. Radiation Safety: Required if you plan to use radioactive sources. Expected length 60 mins. [PPT]


  1. What is OLSEH? What is the role of OLSEH?
    OLSEH stands for Office of Laboratory Safety and Environmental Health. OLSEH oversees. It is an Council-approved office under the Director to  implement the Safety Policy on IISc campuses.
  2. In what way is OLSEH different from Security Office or CCMD?
    OLSEH focuses on only laboratory safety. Residential and administrative buildings are under the purview of CCMD and Security. The only exception is fire safety infrastructure, like extinguishers and hydrants. OLSEH is managing fire infrastructure even in residential and administrative buildings.

    OLSEH works closely with CCMD and security to execute projects and share knowledge.

    Please CCMD and Dean (P&I) Issues related to construction, seepage, water-logging, electrical infrastructure, etc. Please contact Security and Registrar for all issues related to theft, camera, security, etc.
  3. Does OLSEH also oversee safety in building construction, CCMD, utility infrastructure, etc?
    No. CCMD and Dean (P&I) are in-charge of those. OLSEH only focuses on laboratory safety.
  4. Whom do we contact during emergency? 
    Contact Security Office on 080-2293-5555. Security Office will contact OLSEH.
  5. Whom to report a near-miss or accident?
    Send email to safety.olseh@iisc.ac.in. The template of the incident report is here. As per the Safety Policy all accidents, exposures, near-misses, and injuries must be reported to OLSEH.
  6. Whom to report unsafe practices in Labs?
    Send email to safety.olseh@iisc.ac.in. If needed, the reports can be kept confidential.
  7. Who is responsible for safety in the lab?
    Faculty are responsible for establishing and enforcing rules for safe conduct in lab. This includes access control, training regimen, PPE, and regulatory approvals. For details see Section 5 of Safety Policy.

    Individual users are responsible for following the established rules. Any deviation will be subject to disciplinary action. For details see Section 6 of Safety Policy.
  8. Can OLSEH help in identifying hazards in my lab
    Yes, please raise a ticket on ADSER (https://adser.iisc.ac.in) to schedule an audit. For high-risk labs a profession HAZID study can also be done. 
  9. I disagree with Safety Officer’s recommendation or assessment. Who can I escalate the issue to? 
    You can contact the Chair, Safety Committee. You can also contact Department Safety Champion of your department, and request them to follow-up. 
  10. Does IISc provide funding for safety?
    Yes. Please see the process and guidelines on Safety Funding
  11. How do I apply for safety funding for my lab?
    Please submit a proposal to OLSEH via ADSER (https://adser.iisc.ac.in). Please ensure the proposal is as per the guidelines on Safety Funding.
  12. How do we resolve department or building level safety issues? 
    Department Safety Champion can submit a proposal to OLSEH via ADSER (https://adser.iisc.ac.in). Please ensure the proposal is as per the guidelines on Safety Funding
  13. What will OLSEH not fund?
    Details to the guidelines on Safety Funding. To summarize:
    1. PPE and consumable must be purchased using project funds.
    2. Regular maintenance of lab safety equipment, even essential ones like hoods, must be managed by department or PI.
    3. Safety systems needed for specialised labs, e.g. sensors, must be purchased with project funding.
  14. What will OLSEH fund?
    Details to the guidelines on Safety Funding. To summarize:
    1. Fire infrastructure, including extinguishers, smoke detectors, hooters, fire alarm control panels, hydrants, and sprinklers.
    2. Safety related issues of all utilities, e.g.
      1. Electrical: earthing, wiring, etc.
      2. Water: water leaks, seepage, waste-water treatment, etc.
      3. Building: cracks, seepage, lightning protection, etc.
    3. General safety infrastructure as per regulatory codes like IBC 2016. This include items like safety showers, eye-wash stations, mandatory signage, exit-doors, etc.
    4. Waste management: e.g. collection of segregated waste, waste disposal, waste collection sheds, effluent treatment, etc.
    5. Specialized risk assessment studies, like Hazard identification study (HIZ), Hazard and Operability Study (HAZOP), Safety Integrity Levels (SIL), Hazardous Area Classification, Quantitative Risk Analysis (QRA) and Fire and Explosion Analysis (FEA).
    6. Capital equipment, but only after special approval of Dean Division and Dean A&F. All such requests will be forwarded to the Dean Division after technical evaluation by OLSEH.
  15. I am a little short on project funds. Is it possible to get partial funding for safety paraphernalia?
    Maybe. For details refer to the guidelines on Safety Funding.

    Capital equipment require special approval of Dean-Division and Dean-A&F. All such requests will be forwarded to the Dean Division after technical evaluation by OLSEH. Quantum of funding is a matter of negotiation between the PI and the Deans.
  16. Who processes the PO for Safety Items?
    After approval, usually the funds are transferred to the Department expense accounts. So the department or PI is responsible for shepherding the PO. OLSEH will manage the purchase process only if the allotted WBS element is under the control of OLSEH.
  17. Can OLSEH help in disposing laboratory waste? 
    Yes, please fill the waste disposal forms. We currently pick waste in 8 categories. More can be added. If have a special need, please raise a ticket on ADSER (https://adser.iisc.ac.in).
  18. How do we get new fire extinguishers or repair old fire extinguishers?
    Yes, please raise a ticket on ADSER (https://adser.iisc.ac.in). OLSEH will fund the installation and maintenance.

Page Last Updated : February 20, 2025